"Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people!"  1 Peter 2:10


    King of Glory Lutheran Church Ed Howell: Co-chairman of King of Glory
    Peace Lutheran Church Pastor Anthony Heiraas,

    Resurrection Lutheran Brethren Church Pastor Greg Rokos, Pastor Jeremy Osterwalder

    IMG_2678-2.JPGJ Osterwalder.jpg

    There is no one currently serving here at the moment

    Wilhelmina Lutheran Church Council Chair: Elwin Anderson
    Wilhelmina is an independent Lutheran congregation served by a Lutheran Brethren pastor
    Grace Lutheran Church Pastor Matthew Sonnenberg

    Office: 175 Bellamy (the corner of Bellamy & 2nd)

    Worship Location: PO Box 827, 428 Bellamy Ave, Birch Hills, SK S0J 0G0

    Faith Lutheran Brethren Church Pastor Ryan Dittmann

    Estevan Morning Service at 10:30 a.m.:  132 Malmgren Drive, Estevan, Saskatchewan (off of Hwy 39 West) 

    Torquay Morning Service at 9:00 a.m.:   Saskatchewan Avenue, Torquay, Saskatchewan S0C 2L0

    Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor Ryan Dittmann
    The River Pastor Harold Rust
    A new Lutheran church meeting every Sunday in Red Deer at The Centre (5301 Gaetz Ave). The River exists to share God's love in Jesus Christ in tangible ways with our neighbours and friends throughout the city and beyond.